Amanda K. Holloman
Visiting Assistant Professor
The University of Florida
Department of Computer & Information Science and Engineering
About Me
Greetings Lovely Reader!
I am a Computer Science Doctoral Graduate from The University of Alabama with a focus on human-computer interaction (HCI), brain-computer interfaces (BCI), and olfactory-based interactions (OBI). I previously assisted Dr. Chris S. Crawford Jr. at Human-Technology Interaction Lab (HTIL) with his research project funded by Alabama Power as a postdoctoral researcher. I am seeking a full-time role in research, academia, and STEM/diversity recruitment.
During my graduate studies, I conducted HCI and human-robot interaction (HRI), and olfactory (smells/scents) research that utilized focus groups, surveys, lab studies, semi-structured interviews, and virtual studies. I also was an LSAMP Graduate Fellow and received the Outstanding Graduate Research Award of 2022.
I possess a positive perspective and an open mind toward furthering technological designs/techniques that invite opportunities to progress in various settings. My area of research focuses on using olfactory applications to alleviate negative physical manifestations such as memory fatigue, psychogenic seizures, and headaches. My goal is to leverage social signals, sensing technologies, scent perception, and mental health techniques to develop intelligent systems to understand human cognitive processing better.